Wednesday 1 December 2010

The Plan

Due to the weather I have not been able to film today seeing as I started filming 'Ella' and 'Adam' last Thursday and so the snow would disrupt the continuity. I am planning to film 'Joan' and 'Chris's' scenes next Wednesday before the media synoptic day on the 15Th of December, so that will give me time to edit.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Magazine Name Ideas

Empire: Best selling British Film magazine,it reviews mainstream films and independent.

TotalFilms: Second best selling British magazine.

Uncut: British film and music magazine.

Sight and Sound: British Magazine which focuses more on Art house films.

Screen: Bollywood movie reviewing magazine.

Little White lies : Independent, artistic British Magazine.



Movie madness

New Angle

Current Films

The Current Cut

InQuire - after asking people which magazine name I should use the majority said InQuire, so I designed my font and style on photoshop.

Institution Research

My film will be mainstream seeing as, I am making a typical high budget teen comedy.

20Th Century Fox a mainstream American production and distribution firm. Twentieth Century Pictures was an independent Hollywood motion picture production company. High scale, big budget company which uses typical storylines, famous actors and actresses and the best quality of directors, writers and equipment

Warner Brothers a mainstream American producer of film and television entertainment. It is one of the six major film studios in the United State, like 20Th Century Fox it is a high scale and big budgeted company.

Paramount Pictures similarly to 20Th Century Fox and Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures is a production and distribution company and is ranked along side with Warners Brothers and 20Th Century Fox as one of the highest grossing movie studios.

I also did some research into the leading independent producer and distributors to compare between the independent and the mainstream companies, these include Lionsgate, Summit Entertainment, The Weinstein Company and Overture Films.

Lionsgate again a American company however, it is independent only producing and distributing films to niche' audiences. Compared to the mainstream production and distribution companies, Lionsgate, Summit Entertainment and other independent companies have a lower budget with less well known actor and actress and as high quality equipment.

S.A.T. - is my production and distribution companies name as it is simple and is the intitials of my name Sophie Adele Teasdale.

Photoshop: Editing - Poster/magazine

Alex taught us skills on photoshop to improve the quality of our magazine covers and film poster. After the lesson I decided to develop these skills and using the provided tools on photoshop.
Jean Shrimpton:

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Music Research

there are links to different free music sights.

    Options when editing my trailer:

  • I can make up songs using software such as Garage band.

  • Use free software such as, .

  • voice over

I have been looking mostly at as it has a range of music. 'Call me' is one of the songs I am thinking to use in my trailer when 'Ella' and 'Adam' are walking in slow motion (Edited)

I've decided to use a myspace band named Harry Bird and the rubber wellies

for the introduction and ending of my trailer 'March upon the Jailhouse' and 'La Grietita'.

Sunday 24 October 2010


Tracking shot will be filmed here of 'Adam' walking towards the camera.

Lift 'Ella' is walking to.

Tracking shot will be filmed here, of 'Ella' walking up edited in slow motion.

Tuesday 12 October 2010


Joan Franberg:

(off camera)
-*JOAN: "Pick up the tripod"
-*CHRIS: "Yeap got it"
-*JOAN: " the tripod"
-*CHRIS: "Yes Joan its in the bag"
-*JOAN: "Ok lets go"
-* Sound of door closing
-* CHRIS: "Ermmm Joan, I forgot the tripod"
-*...S.A.T. PRODUCTION....*

-* Tracking shot of 'Ella' walking up to school lift, edited in slow motion.

- (Off Camera) JOAN: "Hey this is me, Joan Franberg, wait, that's not me, I'm here, over here"

-* Shot reverse shot of Joan and Chris talking, (Chris filming Joan for school report).

-(On Camera )JOAN : "Chris, Chris!"

- (on Camera) CHRIS: "Yeap sorry, I thought I saw a errr bee"


- (On Camera - PTC) JOAN: "Hey this is me, Joan Franberg reporting for...errr..."

-*Tracking shot of Adam, edited to be walking in slow motion.

- (Off Camera) CHRIS: "Joan, Joan!"

-(On Camera) JOAN : "Yeap sorry I thought I saw a errrrrrrrr, elephant"

-*......JOAN FRANBERG.....*

Character Profile

Joan Franberg - Main character who's a average 16 year old girl, unknown by the 'popular' school teenagers. Lusting after the 'popular' guy 'Adam' she sets her self a challenge to stand out from the crowd (joining school newspaper). However, this back fires when she loses not only the 'popular' teenagers attention, but her best friend Chris's friendship.
Chris Dag - Joan's best friend, quite guy, who helps out 'Joan' with her new project of the school newspaper by becoming the camera man. Easy going he trusts 'Joan' but, she steps to far when telling his secrets in the newspaper especially when talking about his crush on school's 'popular' girl 'Ella Limsi'.
Ella Limsi - typical 'popular' girl in school, she's Chris's type, tall, intelligent and single, sadly Chris is not hers. Known for her wild expensive lifestyle 'Ella' and her friends are envied by most.

Adam McDean - typical 'popular' guy, a competitive guy both when playing sports and with his friends. Not liking school or the teachers, he doesn't notice the other students including 'Joan Franberg'.


Genre: Teen Comedy named Joan Franberg

'Joan Franberg', a school girl from Branet sixth form, decides she's doesn't want to end college as she went through it: invisible. A member of the school newspaper, she looks for the truth behind different groups in school. Lusting after 'Adam' the school 'cool' guy, she neglects her true love for her best friend 'Chris', however, ' Chris' lusting after 'Ella' the most popular girl in school, doesn't share the same feelings. Joan's outlet for expressing her feeling's is published over the school newspaper, which leaves her even more alone and hated. Struggling to regain her friendships she realises that she didn't have any in the first place.

Long Term Planning Schedule

January 14Th 2011 is our new deadline, this will give me more time to fine tune each aspect of my blog, poster, magazine cover and teaser trailer.

Audience Research: Questionnaire

Monday 11 October 2010

Audience Research: Questionnaire Results

  • This shows me I should spend more money on the Teaser trailer when advertising my film.

  • Release date, the film star and the main image is something I will take into careful consideration when producting my film poster making sure it will appeal to my target audience.

  • Music and narrative are shown to be the most important thing to engage my audience this contrasts against my product research of teaser trailers as the narrative wasn't always shown to keep intrigue.

  • Teen comedy and action/adventure are the most popular.
  • Teen comedy would be the direction I would like to take seeing as, in one of the other questions from my audience research, I found out for the target audience I am aiming for which is 13-17 years old they can easily relate to teen comedies and they find them interesting.

Product Research: Trailer 4

500 Hundred Days Of Summer

  • Like other teaser trailer's, the distribution/production company is placed right at the start.
  • The name of the film is used to give the audience a clue about the narrative of the film.
  • "Coming soon" at the end of the trailer, leaves the audience intrigued.
  • Establishing shot at the beginning introducting the two main characters.

  • Camera angle: Wide shots shown of a range of different places. Throughout the whole teaser trailer the camera follows the two main characters displaying there relationship and how it changes.
  • Close ups again to show the different emotion felt by each character.
  • Sound: Non diegetic sound of voice over, sharing the basic ideas of the plot.
  • A well known song to gain the target audience of 15- 21 years old attention. One main dramatic song to connote the different emotions in this film.
  • Editing: Quick cuts of about 3 seconds to establish a story and see how it changes in the next clip. Gives an uncertain feeling (ups and downs of emotions).

Friday 8 October 2010

Product Research: Trailer 3

Charlie Bartlett:

  • An American Comedy drama which is presented by the setting and the accents of the characters.
  • MGM - distribution company - it's an independent film.
  • "Charlie Bartlett" - name of the film gives away the main character, and that he is going to be the stereotypical hero in the film, creating problems which will later be solved.
  • No specific date - "this February" gives the audience enough information to keep them intrigued.
  • Camera angle- Establishing shot of hall shows the main character is upper/middle class.
  • Mid-shots used mostly throughout the trailer, allows the viewer to see the setting and how the characters act within it.
  • Sound: Introduction to main character through diegetic sound of other characters dialogue indicating he is well known and even popular.
  • The non diegetic music being quieter than the diegetic sound changes to give the effect of trouble and problems arising (drums)
  • The diegetic sound is what links the scenes together this helps the audience to keep track of the narrative which primarily focuses on 'Charlie Bartlett' and his witty humour.
  • Editing:Quick paced cuts from one scene to the next, displaying the stages of events in his life which again keeps the audience engaged.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Product Research: Trailer 2

The Inbetweeners:

  • Location of the school is displayed from the outset giving an indication of what programme is being advertised.
  • Editing - pace changes throughout to fit the scene, the slow motion editing of walking is something that is commonly used in 'teen movie's', and is something useful to use in my 'teen movie' teaser trailer.
  • Music - changes three times to fit the editing and atmosphere of the trailer. Voice over by the main character "Will" of "coming soon, new series of Inbetweeners" targeted at past fans of the British comedic drama.
  • Camera angle - Birds eye view of the car which is well known to "The Inbetweeners" fans, typical "cool guy" theme of rap music entwined with slow motion editing of walking.
  • The tracking shot of the four main "Inbetweeners" shows they have small connection to other past characters throughout this intrigues the audience of what storyline are going to be presented.
  • The audience soon realises that "The Inbetweeners" aren't the stereotypical 'cool guys' however, that's what there aiming for.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Product Research: Trailer


  • Promotes the film on the famous director Danny Boyle, uses clips from his other films (Slum dog Millionaire, The Beach).
  • Language - No specific release date - "this fall" and the tagline "Every seconds count", and "He takes us on a ride" makes the film specific to the audience and links to the genre of the film (Action/adventure).
  • Media industry shown within the first 10 seconds - mainstream film - Production, Distrubtor - 20TH Century Fox, Pathe' and Everest Entertainment.
  • Title of film at end makes the audience watch till over to find out name. White against a black background links it to the tagline, credits and website, its simple centered in the middle with open space around - connects to location.

  • Camera - The camera follows one character throughout the 1.47 long teaser trailer indicating there's one main character in the main film.
  • - The establishing, wide shot displays the setting in which the film is going to be located - desert - lonely - secluded - problems could occur.
  • - Wide shots mostly used again to reinforced the setting and genre of action/adventure however, close ups of Boyles face are used to show how layed back he is and also, to gain a greater worry for him when a problem arises.
  • Sound - Using more than one upbeat soundtrack gives away the atmosphere and situation the character gets put in which changes throughout (a roller coaster).
  • - Hardly any diegetic sound, enforce the feeling of being alone, yet carefree.
  • Editing - Split screen is visually different, compacts action which makes it appear more fast paced.
  • - Follows the order of Beginning - introduction to character, Middle - different scenes (party), introduction to new characters, adventure. End - Problem occurs (left on cliffhanger this gives the audience a reason to watch the film).
  • Mis-en-scene - The bike adds to the effect of going on a journey alone. Mountain bike suits the enviroment and again links to the genre.