Friday 8 October 2010

Product Research: Trailer 3

Charlie Bartlett:

  • An American Comedy drama which is presented by the setting and the accents of the characters.
  • MGM - distribution company - it's an independent film.
  • "Charlie Bartlett" - name of the film gives away the main character, and that he is going to be the stereotypical hero in the film, creating problems which will later be solved.
  • No specific date - "this February" gives the audience enough information to keep them intrigued.
  • Camera angle- Establishing shot of hall shows the main character is upper/middle class.
  • Mid-shots used mostly throughout the trailer, allows the viewer to see the setting and how the characters act within it.
  • Sound: Introduction to main character through diegetic sound of other characters dialogue indicating he is well known and even popular.
  • The non diegetic music being quieter than the diegetic sound changes to give the effect of trouble and problems arising (drums)
  • The diegetic sound is what links the scenes together this helps the audience to keep track of the narrative which primarily focuses on 'Charlie Bartlett' and his witty humour.
  • Editing:Quick paced cuts from one scene to the next, displaying the stages of events in his life which again keeps the audience engaged.

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