Sunday 23 January 2011

Evaluation Qu 4

How (well) did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During the planning stages of my products I used blogger, in order to record my progress and research. When researching I used social Internet sites such as, facebook and hotmail in order to get audience research, as it is easy to gain representative results as it is accessible to my target audience and it also gave a more in depth and personal answers giving both quantitative and qualitative data making my research more valid.

Also, Youtube and Myspace were useful sites to use when researching soundtracks and teaser trailers seeing as, they gave examples of the genre and conventions used within them. Yet also allowed for downloading songs onto Itunes, making it easy to access and edit on Imovie.

When actually constructing my teaser trailer I used equipment such as, cameras and tracks in order to conform to the stereotypical teen comedy scenes. Having not used the tracks last year, it was a new experience and it added to the range of shots used in my teaser trailer. After the filming, I edited on Imovie, having used this software last year it was useful to carry on with. Editing in the sound was a challenge due to lack of time (3 people using Imovie on one computer (IMac) and so trying to schedule around each other.

Again with blogger having used it last year, it was simple to use and better this year seeing as, it was a our own project and so we had more control over the products produced. Blogger is also easy to access from home or from school, which allows for regularly updating our blogs.

When constructing my poster and magazine cover, I used my Nikon DSLR to give a greater quality of image also, this made it easier to photograph Joan and it was also quick and simple to upload onto my laptop and edit on photoshop either at home or at school which made it more accessible. It allows for more control over the type of image produced. However, I did not use my DSLR to the fullest, by not using a focus pull, I purposely did this in order for Joan to be fully in focus as she is the main character and I wanted that to be clear for the audience.

Photoshop allowed a range of tools (such as, the dodge and burn tool - to make parts of the image lighter or darker) in which to edit my poster and magazine images in order to conform to certain conventions of posters and magazine covers including, editing the writing (masthead) with the image of Joan. However, finding a background colour was difficult as I wanted to keep to the conventions of both the magazine cover, poster and the genre.

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