Sunday 23 January 2011

Evaluation Qu 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Including the main character Joan in all three products gives a clear indication of the identity of the film. All three products promote the film Joan Franberg, and would intrigue the audience.
Also the poster background being white and the magazine cover background being black links the two products together creating a yin yang effect, the good vs the bad side of growing up.

My film being mainstream means it would have a higher budget when it comes to distribution, allowing it to be displayed in a bigger capacity which would reach my target audience of 13-17 year old. My poster would be distributed on billboards, buses, and on the Internet (social network sites) which fits the lifestyle demographics of my target audience. Distributing them there would target my target audience but also, expand out into a wider audience.

My magazine cover, would sell in all big superstores in the prime area shelves next to Empire and Total Films. This displays InQuire is a high market and trustworthy product which it is able to compete with other mainstream film magazines.

My Teaser Trailer is distributed by 'Fox Searchlight' a mainstream production and distribution company, which when researching institutions . It promotes teen comedies and so with the recognition of a well known and trusted distribution company this would enable my film to be promoted in that way.

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