Sunday 23 January 2011

Evaluation Qu3

What have you learnt from audience feedback?

The audience feedback has been useful as it has presented flaws and highlighted strengths within the three products.

  • From the audience feedback, my strongest products appear to be the poster and teaser trailer, the magazine cover needs smaller changes to make it more appealing towards my target audience.

To improve this product I would keep the image the same but change the black background into a lighter grey colour to make the information clearer for the audience and the image stand out. However, the black background gives a 3D effect which the audience liked therefore, choosing a colour similar to black (such as grey) would still maintain a 3D effect whilst not being too dark so that the information can been seen.

The attention to detail within my poster could of been better, by exploring all fonts in order for this then to reinforce my teen comedy genre. Also, by making a actual newspaper would have made the poster more realistic and thus, more appealing to my audience.

The teaser trailer was approved of by my audience, and people mostly commented on the how the music suited the genre. However, the response was that my title slates could of looked more professional, in the style of the credits in the film 27 dresses. This is something I researched to construct when in the production stages however, due to lack of equipment and technology it wasn't possible and therefore, I decided to produce title slates as if the main character Joan had written them which I hoped who appeal to the target audience.

The audience feedback was mostly positive (regarding the soundtrack in the teaser trailer) with a few changes, concerning the background colour of my magazine cover being to dark.

Overall, everyone from my audience research would see the film, therefore, the products are a success and is aimed towards the right target audience.

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